flobee @ work

the bee @ work



DTO/DAO in javascript

DTO / DAO in Javascript? You may find this release helpful: DTO/DAO JS Objects

Google API, Webmaster Tools, OAuth? mit PHP! – Tutorial

Sie wollen über die Webmaster Tools bei Google mehr über Ihre Seite / Suchanfragen/ Keywords erfahren… Hier finden Sie Teilantworten oder Endlösungen wie es geht 🙂 Es geht um die automatische Verarbeitung der Daten aus den Google Webmaster Tools und… Weiter lesen →

Multirename / Bulk rename

multirename – A program written in PHP This bulk rename program is made to use as shell program, for batch processing and also for standard php applications. Windows/ Linux /MAC if you have PHP installed this program works. Usage: If… Weiter lesen →

MUMSYS Library – A PHP library/ framework

MUMSYS library Library for the MUMSYS project. MUMSYS stands for Multi User Managment System. Altn. „Mother System“ (c) 2002 – now Benefits PHP 7+ (Also PHP 5 support, PHP4 Off!) Speed, speed speed. The library dosnt cost much ressources No… Weiter lesen →

Hidden files in *nix Systems with PHP: opendir(), readdir(), RecursiveDirectoryIterator

… a long time ago 2015-03-28 11:58 @ php.net (this is just a copy for me) In this documentation page i see things for to hide hidden files (also for opendir() or readdir() …. this should be mentiond all there… Weiter lesen →

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