years ago … 2006-05-12 03:05

you may check this out working with % (percent) of disk usage (log object may comes from pear or just remove the log lines)

// return true on error!
// on false: fine :-)
function check_disk_free_space($path) {
   global $oLog;
   // seconds a time-compare will be OK during the process (if it takes longer)
   // (limit the number if you have huge file movements to beware crashes
   // or "disk-full"- errors)
   $secCmp = 60;
   // max allowed/free size compare Value
   $sizeCmp = 92;
   // windows user get
   $cmd = 'c:/cygwin/bin/df.exe -a '. $path;
   $now = time();
   $_v = array();
   static $paths = null;
   static $sizes = null;
   static $times = null;
   if ($paths===null) {
       $paths = array();
       $sizes = array();
       $times = array();

   if (($i=array_search($path,$paths)) && (($now-$times[$i]) < $secCmp)) { if($sizes[$i] >= $sizeCmp) {
           $oLog->log('disc space overflow: '.$sizes[$i].' ('.$sizeCmp.' is max limit!) for path: '.$path, 3);
           return false;
       } else {
           $oLog->log('disc space OK: '.$sizes[$i].'% ('.$sizeCmp.' is max limit!) for path: '.$path, 6);
           return true;

   $oLog->log('getting free space for: '. $path, 6);

   $result = exec($cmd, $data, $return);
   $oLog->log('cmd: '. $cmd, 7);
   if ($result) {
       $r = explode(' ', $data[1]);
       while(list($a,$b) = each($r)) {
           $b = trim($b);
           if ( $b != '') {
               $_v[] = $b;
       $oLog->log($_v, 7);
       $size = intval($_v[4]);
       $paths[] = $path;
       $sizes[] = $size;
       $times[] = time();
       if($size >= $sizeCmp) {
           $oLog->log('disc space overflow: '.$sizes[$i].' ('.$sizeCmp.' is max limit!) for path: '.$path, 3);
           return false;
       } else {
           $oLog->log('disc space OK: '.$sizes[$i].' ('.$sizeCmp.' is max limit!) for path: '.$path, 6);
           return true;
       } else {
$oLog->log('error can not get size', 3);
return true;
