YAPP – (Y)et (A)nother (P)ast (P)age
Welcome to flobee’s new information site
Well, after more than 12 years (since 2005) time to change things…. old stuff of phpnuke and other php/web related stuff (mostly outdated things <= 2004 ) can be found here. Thats my old phpnuke system. In that time: YANS – Yet Another Nuke Site was the slogan. If I am right: One or that very first Open Source PHP Content Management System.
Because there are still requests for it, it willl stay longer 🙂
Here its called YAPP because this is my Drop Box/ Past Page for you.
Thank’s for visiting! Hopfully you will find what you are looking for.
This site is mostly in german language. But you may check articles in english using this category.