flobee @ work

the bee @ work


Raspberry PI

Detecting Raspberry Pi Thermal Throttling From Console

While in the process of obtaining proof that a Raspberry Pi 3 is under-powered for certain ROS processing tasks like mapping, I took a little side trip into the world of Raspberry Pi thermal manage… Quelle: Detecting Raspberry Pi Thermal… Weiter lesen →

PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2 in jessie, stretch, testing – Dotdeb alternative: sury

Thank you for the support! Dotdeb is a one-man project that is providing up-to-date PHP packages for more than 14 years now, and I’m very proud and grateful for the community that gathered around it. Anouncement: PHP 7.++ & Dotdeb… Weiter lesen →

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